SKU 7637101478088-dragonball-super-goku-black-1-1-bust-zenkai-studio Productrype , , , Brand , , ,

Dragonball Super 1:1 – Goku Black Bust (Zenkai Studio)

“I look down on existence from a much higher perspective than you do. I witness this world, this universe, and the truth of all things. That yields deeper understanding. Wisdom. The realization that all mortals should be destroyed” – Zamasu aka Goku Black

Goku Black, also known as Zamasu, is an alternate incarnation of Zamasu and a former North Kai. Black visited Universe 6, went to the Super Dragon Balls from the unaltered main timeline within that universe, summoned Super Shenron from said timeline, wished to switch bodies with Goku from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 7, and Super Shenron granted Goku Black’s wish. Goku Black sought to destroy all mortals alongside Future Zamasu, an alternate counterpart of him.

This is a 1:1 scale bust inspired by the character Goku Black from the anime series Dragonball Super. Real size anime bust by Zenkai Studio.

Product Name: Black Goku Rose 1/1 Bust

Studio: Zenkai Studio

Product Size:
Standard version: (H) 100 cm x (D) 48 cm x (W) 63 cm
Size EX version: (H) 100 cm x (D) 47 cm x (W) 86 cm

Limited Quantity: 150 pieces (100 standard, 50 EX)

Product IP: Dragonball Super

Product Role: Zamasu aka Goku Black

Product Scale: 1/1

As this is an oversized item, additional shipping cost will apply. If you contact us with your shipping address, we will gladly determine your shipping costs, based on your location.

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